Liceo de Cagayan University has always been known to develop very talented students. They also have very supportive and intellectual mentors. Licean Web Page Designing team is composed of their coach Miss Fritzie L. Caybot, the web mistress Carolyn R. Pichay, and the writers Lea Mae O. Udasco, Sophia Alexandra T. Suazo, Stephanie O. Toledo and Amy Marie R. Radoc.

The team at the Night Cafe


Carolyn R. Pichay is a junior student. She loves to eat. One of her favorite hangouts is the Divisoria Night Café. That’s why it wasn’t hard to convince her to design the Night Café Web page. She also loves to surf the net and to chat. Through the net, she meets a lot of friends. If there’s one person who has a huge circle of friends, consider Rolix.

Lea Mae O. Udasco, a senior student, has already won several awards because of her passion in writing. This gal is not just an ordinary writer since she is a budding journalist. Often called “Melon” by her peers, this petite lady loves outdoor activities. No wonder she is an active scout. Melon’s hobbies are chatting, surfing the net, reading Sci-fi books and writing wonderful essays.

Sophia Alexandra T. Suazo, a junior student,is a speaker at heart. She has won a contest in Extemporaneous Speech. One thing that Sophia can be proud of is her looks. This pretty young lady catches the attention of the boys. Fronix is one friend who never lets you down.

Amy Marie R. Radoc,a junior student and the sports journalist, is also a writer at heart. A bookworm, Amy is very fond of reading pocketbooks. This lady is also a TV addict. Her friends call her “Bianca.” They find her very helpful and loyal.

Stephanie O. Toledo, a senior student, has a poetic acumen. She is described as a poet, speaker, and a leader. This lady was awarded as the Best Campus Reporter. You would never find yourself in a boring moment when you are with Niscy. She talks with a lot of sense and shares a lot of good ideas.

Miss Fritzie “Fritz” L. Caybot is a very dynamic coach. Whenever Ma’am Fritz is the coach, surely, victory follows. Any student would want her to be their teacher since she helps a lot even outside the school.

Bianca, Melon, Rolix, and Fronix